TASC: Governor Sandoval's Commission Again Protects NV Energy Monopoly over Solar Customers


Every party to the case, including NV Energy, recommended grandfathering these customers for a period of 20 years. Once again, Noble proposes to give NV Energy more than it asked for. The draft order twists the law in such an extreme way that Noble literally argues that Nevada law allows the Commission to kill the rooftop solar industry.

The Commission is scheduled to vote on this draft order on Friday, February 12th. Commissioners Alaina Burtenshaw and Paul Thompsen have the opportunity to propose amendments to the draft order prior to the vote.

In response, Bryan Miller, President of The Alliance for Solar Choice (TASC) and Senior Vice President of Public Policy & Power Markets at Sunrun, issued the following statement:

"Dave Noble was wrong when he predicted his initial order would not kill the industry. He has now flip flopped and argues that the Commission can legally kill the industry. Noble was wrong before, and he is wrong again.

"Noble's contortionist twisting of the law belongs in a Vegas Cirque du Soleil show, not the halls of government. Brian Sandoval's legacy will be letting his hand-picked Commissioners eliminate a booming industry while he complicitly stays silent."