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Croatia announces drastic FIT cuts

The Croatian government has drastically lowered the country’s renewable energy feed-in tariffs (FITs). The period for which they are paid, however, has been extended.

Suntech to install 100 MW PV in Pakistan

Suntech has unveiled its plans to install 100 megawatts (MW) worth of photovoltaics in Pakistan.

Italy: Conto Energia V to be published by end of June; amendments likely

Italy’s government is expected to have a final draft of the Conto Energia V by the end of next week, thus preparing it for publication in the country’s Official Journal at the end of June. Following a meeting with the country’s regions, a number of amendments are likely to be adopted.

Canadian Solar and Horizon Energy Solutions sign EPC contract

Canadian Solar Inc. subsidiary, Canadian Solar Solutions Inc. has signed an EPC contract with Horizon Energy Solutions Inc. Under the agreement, the two parties will install commercial rooftop photovoltaic systems in Ontario, Canada.

Talesun to install 900 MW PV in China

Chinese photovoltaic manufacturer, Zhongli Talesun has signed an agreement with China’s Qinghai government to install 900 megawatts (MW) of photovoltaics over a period of six years.

Panasonic ramps up Li-ion battery production

Panasonic Corporation will begin mass production of its lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery system, which has been developed for European residential homes kitted out with solar.

Spain: Solaria to develop 60 MW PV plant sans FITs

Solaria Energía y Medio Ambiente, S.A. has begun work on a 60 megawatt (MW) photovoltaic plant in Spain. It will not receive a feed-in tariff (FIT).

50 MW PV plant planned for Russia’s Kislovodsk

Construction of Russia’s first industrial sized photovoltaic project will soon be underway in Kislovodsk. Locally-based Sphinx-9 will build the 50 megawatt (MW) plant together with the Kislovodsk government.

Pakistan: 50 MW PV project unveiled

Conergy and Ensunt have announced their plans to install a 50 megawatt (MW) photovoltaic project in Pakistan for the DACC Power Generation Company Limited (DPGCL).

Samsung and Pattern plan 100 MW PV plant for Ontario

Samsung Renewable Energy Inc. and Pattern Energy Group LP have said they will build a 250 megawatt (MW) wind and photovoltaic plant in Canada’s Haldimand County, Ontario. In related news, Samsung is gearing up to open a new module factory in London.

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