U.S.: Alteris and SunRun break solar cost barrier


Initially launched last May, SunRun now provides affordable solar electricity for hundreds of homes across the state. By eliminating upfront costs Alteris and SunRun will be able to meet the growing demand for solar driven by eco-disasters like the oil spill in the Gulf and rising utility prices.

"I'm thrilled to be able to generate electricity for my home that is not going to cost the planet anything going forward," said Arlington homeowner David Schreiber who recently signed up for an Alteris-installed SunRun solar system for no money down. "Now, in addition to biking to the office where I work as a socially responsible financial planner, I'll be able to shrink my footprint even further with renewable energy for my home while saving money."

Because SunRun maintains, repairs, monitors, and insures every home solar system, homeowners will experience clean solar-generated power without any additional hassle or risk.

"Alteris is one of the leading solar installers in Massachusetts," said Lynn Jurich, president of SunRun. "We look forward to continuing to work together to truly make solar an easy choice for homeowners."

"When a homeowner can pay a competitive rate for electricity the first month after installation, it's hard to find a good reason not to go with clean, renewable solar electricity," explained Ron French, president of the Solar Division at Alteris Renewables Inc. "With the Alteris-installed SunRun service, the homeowner is able to reap the environmental benefits of non-polluting power and real dollar savings every month for the next 20 years."