Europe to take solar industry leadership with industrial competitiveness strategy


Today, SolarPower Europe together with EU PVSEC held the EU Industrial Leaders Round Table to discuss the next policy actions needed to support SolarPower Europe's industrial strategy and the European Commission's Clean Energy Industrial Forum.

Paula Abreu Marques, Head of Unit for Renewables and CCS Policy at DG Energy, European Commission said “The EU's ambition is to lead on renewables. The Clean Energy Industrial Forum was set up with European industry players to reinforce EU competitiveness in renewables, batteries and construction. We want to support the European industry in scaling up their investments beyond the European market and generate more value. This is what the European Commission will prioritise through its policy dialouge with foreign markets.”

James Watson, CEO of SolarPower Europe said “With the agreed EU 32% renewable energy target by 2030 and the end of the solar trade measures, it is time for a unifying industrial competitiveness strategy that benefits all segments of the EU solar value chain. Solar deployment is about to grow significantly again in Europe and with a strong market, attention must be paid to the development of supply side policies.”

Watson added “SolarPower Europe has pioneered a comprehensive industrial strategy that will ensure a sustainable, strong and competitive solar sector that will see Europe take global leadership on solar. SolarPower Europe is developing a meaningful framework for the supply side of solar in Europe with our partners in the European Commission. If this is successful, it will generate countless new business opportunities and jobs – the solar sector alone could support 300,000 jobs by 2030.”

Aurelie Beauvais, Policy Director of SolarPower Europe commented “Europe needs an over-arching strategy for the solar sector that is why SolarPower Europe has been at the forefront of developing an Industrial Strategy for solar and launched our own Industrial Competitiveness Task Force. Our work has been highly recognised and resulted in the creation of the Clean Energy Industrial Forum led by European Commissioner Miguel Canete and we look forward to continuing our work with the Commission to ensure a strong industrial policy for solar in Europe.”

The European Commission launched the Clean Energy Industrial Forum in January 2017. The objective of the Forum is to strengthen the industrial basis and the EU value chain for renewable energy technologies, such as solar power.