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Italian companies to build 1 GW of solar farms in Iran

Reports have surfaced that Italian companies Genesis and Dynkun have signed a memorandum of understanding with officials from Iran’s northwestern Qazvin province, for 100 PV plants of 10 MW each.

Saudi Arabia announces new renewable energy target with few details of deployment

Deputy crown prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman announced the “Saudi Arabia Vision 2030” paper today, which targets 9.5 GW of renewable energy, but doesn’t specify a timeframe or which renewables will be deployed.


Trina Solar sets new IBC cell efficiency record

The Chinese company achieved an impressive 23.5% efficiency for its large-area Interdigitated Back Contact mono-crystalline silicon solar cell, to go with the company’s other efficiency records.


Court approves SunEdison motions for restructuring

A court has approved SunEdison’s first day motions, including allowing the company to use $300 million in a debtor-in-possession loan.

Solar Impulse pilot spoke with U.N. from cockpit during testing leg of journey

Bertrand Piccard, one of two Swiss pilots that are taking shifts to fly the Solar Impulse 2 around the world, spoke to Ban Ki-moon after the signing of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, while in mid-flight across the Pacific Ocean last week.

SunEdison stays the course in India, offloads residential business in UK

The renewable energy giant managed to exclude its Indian operations from bankruptcy proceedings while selling its operations in the U.K. to Ecotricity, which has expended into the residential market.

The pv magazine weekly news digest

This week: The looming bankruptcy of SunEdison came to pass as France looks set to increase its solar target threefold by 2023 and India appealed a WTO ruling that could have far-reaching effects on its domestic solar business.

India appeals WTO domestic content ruling for solar

Energy minister Piyush Goyal challenges World Trade Organization’s ruling that its domestic content requirements for solar violate international trade rules.

Emerging solar markets offering better returns for developers, report finds

Mercatus Energy Investment Management report finds that emerging solar markets offer investors and developers high risk, high reward, which helps drive larger project size in these regions.

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