Microgrid control systems

Zur Marktübersicht-Hauptseite

General information

Name of company
Website of company
Name of product
Product is hardware and/or software-platform
Product standardized or project-specific?
Distribution in which countries?
Unique selling proposition of the product

Services of the company

Company produces microgrid control hardware
Company programs microgrid control software
Company provides system integration of microgrid control hardware and software
Company provides EPC services for microgrid projects
Company provides operations and maintenance of microgrids

Scope of control system

Central monitoring and control unit (Hardware)
Control unit is standalone product or integrated into other device (if latter, which device?)
Other hardware components (e.g. smart meters, sensors, switches, domestic appliances, …)
Software-Platform for monitoring and control of the microgrid
Software-Platform is a cloud solution or installed on own server or computer?
Software compatible with third party hardware?
Hardware compatible with third party software?
Monitoring and/or control of microgrid via smartphone app?

Microgrid layout

Which customers is the product aimed at? (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial, community, campus, military, …)
Focus on offgrid, grid-connected or mobile microgrids?
How many kilowatts of installed generating power can be integrated? (FROM - TO)
How many different generators can be integrated?
AC bus system
DC bus system
Hybrid AC and DC bus system
Which control strategy is used to run the microgrid? (e.g. central control, master/slave control, distributed control, …)
Which components are needed for grid forming in islanding operation? (e.g. battery, diesel generator, …)
Can the system be retrofitted to existing energy system assets?
Can the system be expanded modularly after initial commissioning?


Supported communication protocols (e.g. Modbus TCP, Sunspec, KNX, Zigbee, …)
Supported communication interfaces (e.g. RS485, Ethernet, Wireless LAN, analog inputs an outputs, …)
Connectable generators (e.g. solar PV, wind turbines, CHP, diesel generators, fuel cells, hydro power plants, …)
Connectable storage systems (e.g. batteries [lead, lithium, redox flow, …], flywheels, heat storage, …)
Connectable loads (e.g. heat pumps, heating boilers, charging stations for e-mobility, refrigerators, …)
What components/brands can be integrated 'plug & play'?
What components/brands have to be integrated manually?
How are components integrated manually? (e.g. connection boxes, command-line interface, ...)
Software-Platform has graphical user interface for integration and configuration of external devices?
Software-Platform has graphical user interface for programming energy management options?
Communication between control system and energy system assets is wired or wireless?
SCADA integration possible?
Other options to connect the microgrid to a higher-level distribution grid (e.g. smart meter gateway, CLS-interface, ...)
Can smart home systems be integrated into the microgrid?
Is the data encrypted during data transfer? If so, how?
How is the system protected against threats from outside?
How are firmware updates realized?


Grid conntected operation
Islanding operation
Automated transition from islanding to grid-connected mode and back
Time required for transition from grid-connected to islanded mode (in seconds)
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
Operation is also possible without connection to the internet
Operation is also possible without connection to control room of higher-level distribution system operator (DSO)
Asset control of distributed energy resources
Load management defining curtailable loads and priority loads
Automated dispatch control and optimization
Automated Re-dispatching in response to external orders or unplaned internal events
Internal voltage and frequency regulation in islanding mode
Real time active and reactive power control
Control of power exchange and voltage levels at point of interconnection
Aggregated ramp rate control at point of interconnection
Phase balancing between different AC phases
Black start capability

Energy management options

Increase in self consumption
Increase of self-sufficiency
Peak Shaving
Charging of electric vehicles
Energy management of thermal energy assets? (e.g. heat pumps, thermal storage, ...)
Backup power
Zero feed-in
Ancillary services for public grid (e.g. frequency regulation, reactive power control, …)
Consideration of weather forecasts
Consideration of energy load predictions
Consideration of changing energy prices on the energy market
Use of AI or self-lernings algorithms
Blockchain based billing and/or pay as you go solution
Participation in the energy market

Price indication

Hardware: One-time acquisition costs for central control unit (without VAT) FROM - TO (approx. retail price in Euro)
Hardware: Monthly maintenance costs for central control unit (without VAT) FROM - TO (approx. retail price in Euro)
Hardware: Costs for other necessary system components? (e.g. smart meters, switches, …)
Software: One-time acquisition costs (without VAT) FROM - TO (approx. retail price in Euro)
Software: Monthly maintenance costs (without VAT) FROM - TO (approx. retail price in Euro)
Are there renting or leasing options? If so, what are those options?
Price information available

Best practice project

Information on reference projects available
Best practice project - ongrid
Best practice project - offgrid

Data update

Data update

Zur Marktübersicht-Hauptseite