Mecasolar delivers horizontal single-axis trackers to project in Portugal


MECASOLAR, a multinational company that designs, manufactures and supplies solar trackers, fixed structures and foundation screws for solar installations, has delivered 100kW in horizontal single-axis solar trackers to a project that consists of two PV solar facilities with output power of 51.84kW and 42 kW, respectively.

In addition, the firm supplied the MECASCREW foundation screws on which the two tracking systems were installed. This system, which uses foundation screws, does not require concrete footing, reduces environmental impact, saves time and results in a robust installation. Designed and supplied by MECASOLAR, the horizontal single-axis solar tracker’s modular, low height structure results in simple assembly that does not require cranes or lifting equipment, thus saving time in the installation.

Another remarkable aspect of the assembly on the field is that all the parts (beams, rails, etc.) are held together with fasteners and no on-site welding is required, which saves time and reduces costs. The tracker can have up to 12 axes moved by a single motor. Each axis can carry up to 48 modules, 11.6kW per axis. This means that each horizontal tracker with a single motor can reach a power of 140kWp and a solar panel area of 960m2.