Platina selects SynaptiQ to monitor its international PV portfolio


Platina is an independent renewable energy investment firm with a solar portfolio of around 80 MWp which will be connected to the SynaptiQ solar platform after a preliminary integration development phase provided by 3E.

Rémy Tasse, SynaptiQ sales manager, said of this development: "We are very pleased to work with Platina on the operational management of their solar portfolio. Thanks to its exceptionally wide hardware compatibility, SynaptiQ can easily connect to Platina's diverse, international and growing portfolio.

"Our software will provide clear insight on the solar plant behaviour and ensure that Platina maintains maximum control over their portfolio performance."

Through this development, 3E expands its monitoring portfolio. 3E's SynaptiQ Solar platform now monitors more than 1600 plants in 14 countries.