UK: MAP Quality Control voices concerns over drop in FIT


Having reviewed the Government’s consultation paper on the FIT (Phase 1 – Tariffs for Solar PV), MAP Quality Control (MAP QC) warns that although it understands that the tariff needs to be reduced to ensure that the Government’s budget remains sustainable, it feels the proposed drop from 43.3p to 21p per watt for a domestic installation is too extreme.

The impact that MAP QC envisages is that after 12 December 2011, when the current generation tariffs end in their existing setup, the market will become price-sensitive.

“We are really concerned that the proposed drop in Feed-in-Tariffs are drastic and will affect the quality of the PV panels as the cost of manufacturing becomes the main focus. Ultimately it will be the consumer that will be affected by this as some of the solar PV modules will be substandard,” comments Pete Zarins, Commercial Director of MAP QC.

Overall there will be a drive to lower costs across the solar power industry argues MAP QC. This will result in corners being cut and therefore will have an impact on quality control. MAP QC envisages that in the New Year issues will begin to emerge with solar PV panels operating at either a substandard level or in some cases not at all. Unfortunately it will be the consumer that will be the victim of this price sensitivity in the chain.