Winaico modules receive "Made in EU" certificate


New Italian solar legislation "Conto Energia IV" establishes financial incentives for installing solar systems that are "Made in the EU". As such, power from photovoltaic systems will be eligible for a 10 percent higher feed-in tariff if at least 60 percent of the components come from European production facilities. The Winaico modules from the WSP range fulfil this criterion. Meaning that Winaico customers in Italy can enjoy a significantly higher feed-in tariff.

"We are very proud to be one of the first Asian manufacturers to receive the "Made in the EU" certificate and we are delighted to be able help our Italian customers attain the increased feed-in remuneration," says Sascha Roßmann, managing director of Winaico Deutschland GmbH.

However, this is not the only advantage that Winaico can offer its customers: With the subsidiary company Winaico Italia S.r.l., based in Verona, Italian customers have a local contact partner who is able to react quickly and flexibly thanks to their generous stocks. In addition, Winaico offers insurance against damages caused by operational interruptions, damage to property and drops in yields. The insurance covers not only the module but also the inverter, sub-structure and all of the accessories. Cost-free two-year insurance cover is already included in the purchase of the modules.

Alongside its own premium modules, Winaico also offers complete systems. And it goes without saying that Winaico works together with technological leaders exclusively.