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Longi Solar

Going big on back contact

Back contact cell designs can be combined with many other PV manufacturing innovations, to push cell efficiency and module power beyond current limitations. In this pv magazine Webinar, we take a closer look at Chinese manufacturing giant Longi Solar’s latest product, incorporating hybrid passivated back contact (HPBC) cell technology, and a wealth of other innovations.

La estandarización de módulos para eliminar el ruido del sistema

En este pv magazine Webinar, Longi presentará la hoja de ruta para los próximos años con nuevas células y módulos fotovoltaicos de alta eficiencia: la empresa anunció recientemente que planea implantar su tecnología de células solares de contacto posterior (back contact) en la mayor parte de su producción de paneles: en concreto, Longi prevé alcanzar una capacidad total de producción de células solares de más 110 GW a finales de 2023.

Applications et rentabilité de la technologie de modules Hybrid Passivated Back Contact pour le marché français

Après la Chine, les Emirats Arabes Unis ou encore l’Espagne et l’Italie en Europe, le fabricant chinois Longi débute la commercialisation de sa dernière génération de modules photovoltaïques Hi-MO6 en France. Ce webinaire analysera l’apport de la méthode de passivation HPBC.

From solar module production to recycling

Environmental impact is a growing consumer consideration when investing in renewable energy. Millions of solar modules are produced every year and a huge amount of energy and high-value materials like silicon, silver, and glass go into their making. As part of moving toward a circular economy, module recycling processes need to be improved and scaled up as a tool to retain the value of those materials. And this will also require improvements in transparency and compliance when it comes to the sourcing and documenting of materials.
In this pv magazine Webinar, we will examine the processes that go into sustainable module production and recycling.

Distributed benefits: Large wafer modules in rooftop PV

The transition to larger cell formats is well underway, with 182mm and 210mm products together representing almost 50% of the market last year. Discussion of the benefits, however, has often focused on large-scale solar projects. This has left many to wonder whether the space-constrained rooftop segment would also see the lower cost and higher energy yields promised by the new generation of PV modules. In this pv magazine Webinar, we take a closer look at how rooftop PV is managing the transition, and Longi Solar introduces its latest product for this segment, a 54-cell, 410 W module based on the 182mm wafer.

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