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Fortum selling 54% shares of its 185 MW PV portfolio in India

The company was adamant that it will not exit the Indian PV market, after rumors last October suggested that the company will sell its PV assets in India. Now, the company reiterates its commitment and stresses that additional funding will be used to develop new assets.


Solaredge: Designing rooftop system with new web-based software

With a growing global residential PV market, software solutions to optimize rooftop systems have spawned. Last year the PV market grew by 29% with no sign of decelartion in sight. Optimizing installations and making them as convenient as possible has thus become a hotter market recently.

Greek researchers hit new efficiency landmark for single-junction OPV cells

While intriguing, OPV technology has yet to achieve the commercial efficiency yield to be a serious competitor. Research institutes and companies worldwide are exploring compound and manufacturing methods as organic PV yields rise.

REN21 report: record PV growth but soaring energy demand leaves renewables playing catch-up

Renewable energy has made great strides in electricity generation but the integration of renewables in the heating, cooling and transport sectors is still in its infancy. With those sectors making up around two thirds of global energy demand, there is still enormous potential to harness PV and other technologies.


Study: Swiss energy transition creates jobs and energy independence

A team of scientists at Lausanne have calculated the costs and job impact of the 2050 Energy Strategy, in force since January. The results show the additional investment called for by the strategy is offset by savings on imported fuel and electricity.

Industry urges EU to boost self-consumption

After EU Parliament, Council and Commission each reached their respective position on the future of renewable energies in the EU until 2030, at the end of last year, representatives of the three bodies have commenced negotiations to find a EU wide position to be implemented as soon as possible. The renewable energy directive is expected to be ready for inking during this summer.

Fraunhofer ISE launches grid-stabilizing high-voltage inverter

The new inverter was developed in the HV-SiC project under the Future Electricity Grids funding program financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The inverter can regulate power currents of up to 10-15 kV more than ten times higher than regular silicon inverters. Fraunhofer says this makes new system architectures for power grids and plants conceivable.

Organic photovoltaics designed by AI at Osaka University

Cheap-to-produce OPV are the focus of research and although the struggle to get beyond 13% efficiency has hindered commercialization, organic PV can be made translucent, making it potentially ideal for applications such as PV-generating windows.


Toshiba to start power-to-gas supply chain demonstration in Japan

Toshiba has begun a large power-to-gas demonstration project in Japan. In spite of low efficiency and high prices, hydrogen is researched by many companies. In this demo, facilities are powered by Toshiba’s fuel cells, which receive hydrogen from an adjacent hydropower hydrogen generation facility.


Netherlands’ largest PV project reaches €41 million financial close

The nation’s largest solar plant – of 54 MW – has achieved financial close and tenders for plants exceeding 100 MW are in the pipeline

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