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Magazine Archive 2011

Unlocking the residential market

Financing: By offering “white-label” financing to small installers through its already popular solar software, Clean Power Finance thinks it has found the key to opening the U.S. residential solar market. But its competitors, such as SunRun, SolarCity and Sungevity, have a head start.

20/20 Vision

National Solar Power: After months of speculation, U.S.-based company National Solar Power announced at a press conference in late September that it had selected Gadsden County, Florida as the site of a 1.2 billion U.S. dollar (USD) solar farm.

A dozen dates

2012 trade shows: As each year passes, the number of trade shows in the solar industry expands. To provide readers with a guide to the very best, pv magazine has listed the top 12 for 2012.

A new chapter for Asia

PV Asia Pacific Expo: The PV Asia Pacific Expo made its debut in Singapore between November 1 and 3 this year. The exhibition halls were not as full of visitors as expected, but it did manage to bring in top-level decision-makers from leading companies as well as a solid series of conferences. pv magazine reports from the sunny Southeast Asian island.

Availability of indium and gallium

Indium and gallium: Indium Corporation’s Claire Mikolajczak and Bill Jackson elaborate on the demand and supply of these two important thin film materials.


Bargain hunters pick up pieces, oversupply stays

Stock price index: Results and outlook from 3Q11 offer minimal solace.


Italian tax law: It’s a good idea to set up PV arrays under the lavish Italian sun. Foreign investors are welcome, but also need local expertise. Here are all the fiscal details for PV projects in Italy, specified by CBA Studio Legale e Tributario’s tax counselor.

Brazilian PV market poised to boom

Brazil: The largest market in the region for PV installations is set to boom, in residential, commercial and industrial applications. A constellation of new federal regulations, start up PV module manufacturing, government procurement bids, and showcase PV installations together could spell the virtual launch of the Brazilian industry in 2012.

Brazilian PV market poised to boom

Brazil: The largest market in the region for PV installations is set to boom, in residential, commercial and industrial applications. A constellation of new federal regulations, start up PV module manufacturing, government procurement bids, and showcase PV installations together could spell the virtual launch of the Brazilian industry in 2012.

Can oil and solar mix?

Dubai: With oil to burn, the Middle East may seem like a market reticent to adopt PV, however on a number of levels, this view is being turned around. As a critical decade for renewable energy dawns, an investment summit has allowed insight into PV’s prospects in the region.

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