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Hawaii utilities seek more renewables, storage and now grid services too

Hawaiian Electric Companies has laid out plans to source the equivalent of 135 MW of solar and 1,378 MWh of energy storage – as well as load shifting and frequency response from distributed energy resources through aggregators.

America’s Green New Deal is going to happen at state, not federal level

While U.S. senators Ed Markey and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduce a resolution for a clean energy package, legislation has been tabled in six states aiming to implement 80-100% clean energy by 2050 or earlier.

Solar will rebound this year with more than 100 GW of new capacity

Wood Mackenzie’s number-crunchers are the latest analysts queueing up to predict a bumper year ahead for PV, with falling prices, rising efficiency rates and booming markets outside China all on the cards. And it could be a make-or-break year for mega-projects, says Wood Mac.


Hawaii’s march to 100% adds 260 MW solar + 1 GWh storage

The Hawaiian Electric Companies are in negotiations with developers to build seven solar projects across three islands.


Kaua’i to get its biggest solar and storage system to date

The island which has been called a ‘postcard from the future’ for its high levels of solar and energy storage is getting ready for 28 MW more solar and 20 MW of batteries.


U.S. power company NRG continues moving into solar during Q1

Despite a challenging financial environment, NRG continues its solar expansion, including an increasing presence in community solar.


Eurus Energy finishes 27.6 MW in Hawaii

The Tokyo-based renewables developer completed the project last week in Waianae, on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. It is the company’s second biggest utility-scale PV array in the U.S.


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