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Modules & Upstream Manufacturing

Europe: Suntech delivers 1 GW of PV panels in 2010

China-based Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. has announced it shipped a “record-breaking” one gigawatt of photovoltaic (PV) panels to European customers in 2010.

World’s largest dedicated PV sealant factory opens

Tonsan has opened what it says is the world’s largest dedicated photovoltaics (PV) factory in Suzhou County, China. Over USD$125 million was invested in the project.

LDK Solar hits 3 GWs wafer production capacity

LDK Solar Co., Ltd. has reached three gigawatts (GWs) of annualized production capacity at its wafer plants in China.

Oerlikon Solar secures first ThinFab orders

Oerlikon Solar has received the first orders for its new ThinFab thin film silicon module production line.

Sanyo 21.6 percent cell efficiency not independently verified, but company confident

Last Friday, Sanyo announced that it had achieved the world’s highest cell conversion efficiency at 21.6 percent. However, responding to questions from pv magazine, the efficiency has not been independently verified and there are no plans for outside testing.

Sanyo hits 21.6 percent cell conversion efficiency

Sanyo Component Europe GmbH has achieved what it says is the world’s highest cell conversion efficiency at 21.6 percent.

Sharp to begin mass production of new crystalline cells

Sharp Corporation has announced it will begin mass production of its new single crystalline solar cell.

OPV cell achieves record 8.3 percent efficiency

An organic-based photovoltaic (OPV) cell has been verified by the National Energy Renewable Laboratory (NREL) as having demonstrated a record-breaking 8.3 percent efficiency.

?New "hybrid" solar panel created; serial production expected by next year

3S Swiss Solar Systems and Hansjürg Leibundgut, a professor for building technology at ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich) have announced a collaboration in the field of energy optimization in buildings, under which a new “hybrid” solar panel has been created.

XsunX reports 15.1 percent CIGS conversion efficiency

Thin film photovoltaics (PV) cell manufacturer, XsunX, Inc. has announced it has reached 15.1 percent conversion efficiency with its CIGSolar technology.

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