GET launched light weight solar sidewalk and mobile power pack


The solar sidewalk installed in GET’s factory is generating around 168kWh per year from every square meter. It’s estimated to provide power for 76 Taiwan families of four, from every kilometer installed with 2-way solar sidewalks of 1.7meter in width, when it’s set in Southern Taiwan (based on Energy Bureau statistics that every person consumes 5.1 kWh per day in Taiwan). With pedestrians and shadings, solar sidewalk generates 80% of power comparing to

roof-top system, but utilizes current walkway more efficiently. To best utilize water areas and in line with policy of Energy Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan, GET light weight module has further strengthened its moisture isolated feature using specific complex material on the back. The water floating solar system will be tested in southern Taiwan Pingtung under cooperation with ITRI, which is expected to introduce to power station market specially designed for water floating system.

The Sun energy per second is equivalent to 5 million tons of coal power, far beyond energy the Earth needs. The CLIMATE CHANGE AGREEMENT has set the target that global warming rate to below 2 degrees Celsius, and Taiwan has set the carbon reduction target to reduce carbon emissions by 50% in 2030. Coupled with Taiwan's energy transformation policy announced, the proportion of renewable energy in 2025 should reach20%, and solar energy is expected to install 1.52GW within 2 years, with long-term target of 20GW installation and annual power generation to reach 25 billion kWh.

The use of waveguide materials to replace glass makes light weight module easier to recycle and reaches concept of circular economy. BIPV combining with solar transit system, sound barrier, and water floating system will enable urban renewal plans to be more environmental friendly and speed up the roadmap to reach “nuclear-free homeland” target set in Taiwan.