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IRENA and southeast Asian nations pledge action on PV

The International Renewable Energy Agency wants to unlock the PV potential of the Asia-Pacific region with technical and planning support. It says a better flow of knowledge is needed to close the gap on a regional aim of generating 23% of energy from renewables by 2025.

Cambodia needs solar to drive down electricity prices

According to the UNDP, a full economic evaluation of the costs and advantages of solar energy in the country is necessary, as Cambodia’s government is planning to expand its power system through coal and hydro.


Regulations clarifying the use of solar PV in Cambodia

On January 26, 2018, the EAC issued a set of regulations to clarify the general conditions for installing and operating solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in Cambodia. Kohe Hasan, partner at Reed Smith and director of Resource Law LLC (Singapore), and Kaknika Lin, assistant consultant at KPMG Cambodia Ltd provide a summary of the key regulations, in addition to discussing the country’s investment climate.


Renewables to drive economic growth in SE Asia — IRENA

The 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are on track to make solar and other renewables account for 23% of the region’s total primary energy supply (TPES) by 2025, but governments will need to create better policy and investment frameworks to make it happen, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

GPP moves forward on 225 MW in Cambodia

Global Purify Power (GPP), a Phnom Penh-based developer backed by a group of Southeast Asian investors, has started building the first 15 MW phase of a planned 225 MW solar rollout in Cambodia.


ADB supports introduction of Cambodia’s 100 MW National Solar Park Program

The Asian Development Bank to give technical, logistical and financial backing to the project, which is being set up by Electricite Du Cambodge. Program will be split across two phases.


Cambodia’s solar development moves forward with 10 MW project

The Asian Development Bank will provide Singapore-based Sunseap Group with $9.2 million. The company will use the funds to construct Cambodia’s first large-scale PV plant, a 10 MW facility located in Svay Rieng Province.


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