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net metering

Hungary supports net metering PV projects up to 50 kW with 0% loans

The Hungarian Development Bank started a subsidized loan program for renewable energy and energy efficiency in late April. The €350 million program will run through to 2022.

Brazil: over 10,000 PV systems are now installed under net metering

The combined capacity of these installations has reached approximately 78 MW. The state with the highest number of PV systems under net metering is Minas Gerais.

Denmark: solar without incentives is possible, but bureaucracy is killing it

Interview: Denmark is planning a future without incentives for solar and renewables, after abruptly closing the “transitional” incentive program for PV installations up to 400 kW in December. The Danish PV market, meanwhile, has now come to a halt. pv magazine asked Peter Ahm, the CEO of PA Energy and Danish representative to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA’s) PV Power Systems Programme, how the Danish solar market can further grow in the short and long term without subsidies.


Jordan’s thriving net metering PV sector welcomes new 16.5 MW system

A few days after reporting on Jordan’s largest net metering PV system of 17 MW capacity, it appears that a new system of just 500 KW less capacity is also under way. Jordan’s commercial net metering PV sector appears to be on an encouraging upward trajectory.

Jamaica targets $300 million renewable energy investments

The Caribbean country is seeking to accelerate its transition to clean energies, and to benefit from funds from the Green Climate Fund. Meanwhile, the government is also seeking to improve net metering for residential and commercial PV.


Slovenia launches solar rebate scheme

The Slovenian government has earmarked €3 million to finance solar rebates in 2017. The funds will cover 20% of the costs for buying and installing a PV system under net metering.

Bahrain to introduce net metering policy for PV

The Middle Eastern country is now preparing to introduce a net metering scheme for decentralized renewable and solar energy projects under its National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP).

Russia plans to introduce net-metering for residential PV

If approved, the new net-metering scheme would come into force by the end of this year. Power surplus woul be sold to the grid at a rate of RUB 1 ($0.0174)/kWh.


Brazil has 70 MW of installed solar power under net metering

In March, PV systems totaling 2.8 MW were installed in the Latin American country under the net-metering scheme.

Greece installs first virtual net-metering PV; awaits ministerial approval

Greece’s first virtual net-metering PV system is installed on the rooftop of a school in Thessaloniki, the country’s second biggest city. The system is funded by Greenpeace Greece but is not yet connected to the grid, as it is waiting for a ministerial decision facilitating virtual net metering.

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