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Since 2015, pv magazine Webinars are a neutral platform where to have trusted conversations and share knowledge. We work with our partners to deliver our participants an informative and engaging webinar experience. Our webinars are thematically oriented and do not serve the purpose of sales.

Below you can find our upcoming webinars as well as browse through our past webinar recordings.

Registration for pv magazine Webinars is free of charge. We look forward to your participation and critical feedback! Please send your questions and proposals to [email protected].

Past Webinars

Inverters: Exploring solutions for European C&I projects

Forecasted annual installation figures for newbuild PV projects in Europe are strong, with some analysts predicting capacity will more than double by 2030. New additions will include a raft of commercial and industrial (C&I) projects, which means maximizing the return on investment will be a priority. In this pv magazine Webinar, we will discuss inverters in a C&I context as the company embarks on its own European expansion.

Agri-PV: Let’s talk about technology, finance and regulation

In the webinar, we will discuss the tracker manufacturer Valmont-Solar about the development steps that went into the design of their Agri-PV tracker, Convert Tracker.

ETIP PV White Paper – PV Manufacturing in Europe, ensuring Resilience through industrial policy

In this pv magazine webinar, we’ll welcome the authors of the latest European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) PV white paper focused on the European PV value chain.

Differential settlement and All Terrain Tracker

This webinar will explore differential settlement in detail and provide ways to overcome the process for a utility-scale solar installation.

The value of standard module formats in the n-type era

The solar industry is headed toward standardization on module sizes, and many along the supply chain are breathing a sigh of relief. An optimized standard format promises savings in component supply, installation and shipping, and will end a long period of confusion for the solar industry. In this pv magazine Webinar, Trina Solar explains the value of its optimized sizing and product design based on 210mm rectangular wafers, and treats us to a closer look at the company’s latest cell and module innovations.

Minimizing partial shading yield losses

Shading, where even just a small part of a PV system is left out of the sunlight, can be a significant drag on the energy yield of the entire system. But as solar integrates further into our built environments and other places that don’t offer uniform flat land, it’s an issue that PV module and system designers will have to face head on. Optimizers offer one solution, but building shading resilience into the module itself can have even better outcomes, as we’ll see in this pv magazine Webinar.

Além da geração solar distribuída: soluções integradas de energia para o cliente final

Neste webinar da pv magazine Brasil, vamos falar sobre novas tecnologias e modelos de negócios, a abertura do mercado livre e serviços de pós-venda, com dicas e insights para os integradores sobre como ampliar a oferta de serviços e soluções para os clientes.

L’apport des onduleurs strings ultra-puissants pour le solaire à grande échelle

Dans ce webinaire de pv magazine France, Sungrow explorera les fonctionnalités de son onduleur triphasé de 352 kVA, le SG350HX, visant à répondre aux besoins de puissance et de rendement des grandes centrales photovoltaïques.

Balancing the books on big solar’s weather risk

In this pv magazine Webinar panel discussion, we will discuss how to future-proof utility-scale solar and balance risk allocation across stakeholders, including technological and operational choices that can be made to mitigate extreme weather risks.

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