Chinese PV Industry Brief: CNOOC buys 790 MW of modules at $0.12/W


CNOOC has disclosed the results of its latest centralized procurement tender for n-type solar modules. Yingli secured the first winning bidder qualification with a unit price bid of CNY 0.84 ($0.12)/W, followed by Trina Solar and Das Solar. Total bids came to 790 MW, exclusively for 580 W n-type monocrystalline bifacial modules.

GCL Perovskite has started building a gigawatt-scale, large-size commercial perovskite module production base in Kunshan, Jiangsu province. The production base will focus on manufacturing large-size commercial perovskite tandem modules with an area of 2.88 square meters (1.2 meters x 2.4 meters) – currently the largest perovskite modules in the world, with the highest conversion efficiency. The CNY 570 million project will be executed in two phases, with the first phase spanning a construction area of 120,000 square meters.

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