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Meteocontrol solar eclipse analysis reveals German grid durability

Data from the solar power forecast analysis company shows Germany’s grid coped admirably with the solar eclipse on March 20.


GE Energy Financial invests in 96.2 MW solar plant in Japan

Energy financing arm of General Electric to partner with Japanese power plant developer Pacifico Energy on construction of the plant, in the prefecture of Miyazaki.

BayWa r.e. brings 85 MW of UK solar online in time for ROC

The German renewable energy company has successfully connected four large-scale solar PV projects in England, securing the renewable obligation certificate at a rate of 1.4 for all plants.

Solar Frontier's 150 MW Tohoku fab complete, ramp-up phase begins

Japanese thin film manufacturer to use ramp-up phase to test and verify its new CIS line technology as the company seeks larger share of global thin film market.

China's first PV-biomass power plant now in operation

Combined solar PV and biomass power generation plant is the first of its kind in China. 1.44 MW solar element due to come online later this month.

Big60Million launches $30.3 million UK solar community bond offer

Belectric-backed energy company offering bonds for 60 pounds sterling to purchase stake in 34.3 MW of large-scale community solar farms across the U.K.

Solar Selfie module to be unveiled to Californian market

Smartphone-enabled solar panels allow residential owners to upload selfies to their solar systems. Image displayed module-by-module or across entire installation.

SunEdison moves 168 MW of PV plants to TerraForm subsidiary

The leading U.S. solar group continues to fill its yieldco subsidiary with PV power and revenue generating assets. The portfolio consists of distributed generation installation in the U.S. and 11 solar plants in the U.K.

WDAS snaps up three Power Cloud solar generation companies

World Assurance Group enters solar power generation business with purchase of three operating companies from Power Clouds Pte Ltd.

REC Group inks exclusive residential supply deal with Tucson Electric

The Norwegian company has signed its first major contract for its new panel line with the Arizona utility, which will use the modules exclusively for its new residential solar leasing program.

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