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Dutch solar simulator startup raises €2 million

Eternal Sun, a spin-off from Delft University of Technology in Holland has announced that it has raised €2 million ($2.5 million) in A round financing to continue rolling out its solar simulator technology. Belgian’s Vermec is the investor.

Canada clean energy sector employs more people than oil sands

Investment in renewable energy tops CAD$25 billion in the past five years, pushing employment in the sector up by 37%.

UK: subsidy-free solar to soar by 2020, report finds

Relentless cost reductions will allow solar to prosper in the UK without support schemes as early as 2020, finds a report from think-do tank Thema1.


Top 10 module suppliers in end-of-year reshuffle, says IHS

Revised full year forecasts from the world’s leading solar module manufacturers prompt top 10 reshuffle, according to newly combined Solarbuzz and IHS.

Croatian PV sector owes it all to rooftops

A lack of ambition across the sector has hindered solar PV’s growth in this sun-rich country, with only the small-scale rooftop sector likely to expand over the coming years.


NEO Solar inks 400 MW cell deal with Canadian Solar

The Taiwanese solar cell maker expresses relief at the deal, having suffered Q3 losses as a result of the U.S.-China trade dispute.

Soitec achieves 46% multi-junction cell for CPV

France’s Soitec has achieved 46% conversion efficiency with one of its multi-junction solar cells. Soitec claims the high efficiency cell tops its previous world record announced in September 2013.

UK: Share offer launched for 5 MW community solar farm

The Wiltshire Wildlife Community Energy scheme hopes to raise $4.25 million for the 5 MW Braydon Manor Farm PV installation in the southern England county of Wiltshire.

ReneSola opens new offices in Canada and Mexico

Chinese company’s expansion in North and Central America follows similar successful strategy in U.S. as it seeks to capitalize on expected solar growth.

US: Sunshine state retreats further into solar shadows

Florida’s Public Service Commission cuts energy efficiency targets and votes to end solar rebate program at the end of 2015.

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