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Germany: Just 127.5 MW of PV registered in September

Just 127.5 MW of solar PV were registered in Germany in September. Of this, just 45.13 MW were actually grid connected, with the remaining 82.37 MW comprised delayed registrations.

Relocated SolarMax aims to shift 20,000 inverters in 2016

Inverter manufacturer SolarMax has targeted sales of 20,000 units in 2016 from its new manufacturing base in Germany. The former Swiss company declared insolvency slightly less than one year ago, with production now having been shifted from Biel, Switzerland, to Bavaria earlier this year.

Germany: 293 GW solar potential

In a study, researchers identified that 143 GW of solar PV could be installed, restriction-free, on just 0.9% of Germany’s landmass. Another 150 GW would be possible on rooftops. In this case, however, it will depend on how solar thermal will be expanded, and how many owners will invest.

Germany calls for 200 MW in last PV tender of 2015

In the third, and final, solar PV auction of the year, the Federal Network Agency is looking to invite 200 MW worth of tenders for ground-mounted installations. The deadline for tender submissions is December 1. Again, the price for generated energy will be determined by a uniform pricing method.

No German FIT degression in Q4 for first time

There will be no monthly decrease in the FIT paid to solar PV arrays in Germany this quarter, as new installed capacity for Q3 falls below the ‘corridor’ that would trigger a degression. This is the first time no degression will take place since the current iteration of the FIT scheme was put in place in 2012.

PV trade dispute: EU ProSun files request for expiry review of undertaking

EU Prosun announced this summer its intention to file the request with the European Commission within the allotted time and it has now done so before the deadline expired this past weekend. Supporters and opponents in the PV trade dispute are increasingly staking out their positions on the issue.

Germany sees 132 MW solar installed in July

New solar PV systems totaling 159.78 MW have been registered in Germany for July by the Federal Network Agency. Actual installations were lower, however, at 132 MW. Solar subsidies will decrease a further 0.25%, as of today.

Panasonic plans Younicos investment

The PV storage developer Younicos has garnered the interest of Panasonic. The German Cartel Office is currently proofing the legalities of Panasonic’s possible collaboration with Younicos.

E.ON: The PV business is and will remain profitable

Interview: The energy utility E.ON plans to expand its PV business in Germany. From September, E.ON will offer a PV plant check service for operators of the more than 1.5 million PV plants. Moreover, the development of new PV plants still brings benefits for private households and small commercial operations, says Franco Gola, Head of Energy Solutions PV at E.ON Germany.

IBC Solar seeks to develop 80 MW in Germany

IBC Solar has managed to implement around 50 MW of solar capacity in Germany in the first half of 2015. The company seeks to develop around 80 MW this year in total.

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