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Interview: China’s Growatt talks markets, inverter service and storage

Felix Fang, Growatt’s Marketing Director, talks to pv magazine about the Chinese firm’s central and string inverter technology, global expansion, post-sales service and the growing importance of storage.


Algeria’s 4 GW solar tender delayed, again

The country’s new minister for renewable energy said that a special committee for the tender will be now established, and that the results of the review will be published together with her new action plan for renewables.


India’s 1 GW Kurnool solar park on verge of grid synchronization

Commissioning of the ultra-mega solar plant due tomorrow following completion of final developers’ portions of capacity. Kurnool solar park will become world’s largest operational PV plant.


STI Norland chosen as tracker partner for 36.7 MW Brazil solar farm

The Spanish tracker and mounting specialist will supply 202 of its STI H1250 trackers to the Assú V solar park in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Norte.

India: GVMC calls for 2 MWp floating PV plant bids

The floating solar PV project will be located at Mudasarlova reservoir in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.


SolarEdge unveils inverter-integrated EV charger

The Israeli power electronics specialist introduces electric vehicle charger at Intersolar North America that can be integrated using a single inverter and dashboard.

Acciona sells renewable energy certificates to unit of Mexico’s CFE

One of the two contracts signed by the Spanish renewable energy company is linked to a PV plant located in the state of Sonora.


Clean energy spending in 2016 hits 43% share of total supply investment, finds IEA

The International Energy Agency’s World Energy Investment report sees global spending on energy fall by 12% overall in 2016, marking the second-consecutive year that investment has dropped as less money is poured into costly gas and oil infrastructure. Clean energy spending, meanwhile, is on the up.


Korean firm to build 280 MW of floating PV capacity

Korea Rural Community Corp. has revealed plans to build up to 280 MW of floating solar capacity at three sites in South Korea by 2019.


CP Clean Energy to list shares in Hong Kong

Shares of China Power Clean Energy Development (CP Clean Energy) are expected to start trading on the Hong Kong stock exchange on Tuesday, July 18. The move is part of a broader restructuring effort for the diversified energy developer.

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