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Magazine Archive 2018

“We need 80% transition in 12 years”

Having worked on modeling a 100% renewable energy world for almost a decade, Mark Jacobson is well aware that many view such a clean energy system to be a pipe dream. In 2017 Jacobson, a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University, took on his critics, suing the academics who had heavily criticized his “100 Renewable world!” paper, and the publishing journal for $10 million for defamation. pv magazine met with Professor Jacobson last month to discuss the energy transition, and his vision for a 100% renewable powered world by 2050.

Cells of the future

For solar to survive in a world without feed-in tariffs, further innovation focused on cost reduction is necessary. In this white paper, scientists from Swiss equipment supplier Meyer Burger argue that high efficiency cell concepts, and in particular heterojunction, will be among the best technologies solar can bet on to achieve this.

AC, or DC: That is the question

Energy storage is here to stay, no doubt about that. We know where to put excess energy from a solar installation; but where in a system should the battery be placed? On the AC side, where the stored power is ready to flow into the grid at a moment’s notice, or on the DC side, where current from solar panels can flow directly into the battery?

Past the point of no return

The Netherlands, second-last in the EU when it comes to the production of renewable energy, presented its first draft of the Dutch Climate Agreement. This agreement is drafted to set out targets and policies across sectors such that the country adheres to the previously proposed Climate Act. When both are signed, writes Rolf Heynen, the Netherlands will be only the seventh country worldwide with such an act – and on paper one of the most ambitious. What will this mean for solar energy?

Continuous development to drive mono

In last month’s edition, GT Advanced Technologies was chosen by an independent jury as the top innovation in the annual Technology Highlights feature. pv magazine had the chance to catch up with GTAT’s CEO Greg Knight on the company’s latest technological developments and position in the market.

Are electric vehicles changing BP’s business model?

Old energy giants are eyeing up big investments and acquisitions in the world of EV charging infrastructure. Delta-ee’s Alex Lewis Jones looks into the way these companies are positioning themselves in the growing landscape of EV adoption.

Double the output, on the fly

Alongside GT Advanced Technologies, Germany’s 3D-Micromac was awarded the top innovation award in the 2018 Technology Highlights for its microCELL OTF 8000. With a doubling of throughput, the double lane tool brings to an end any bottleneck caused by laser processing of high efficiency PV cells. Frederik Bamberg, 3D-Micromac’s Product Manager PV Laser Tools took pv magazine through the tool’s advantages.

Final thoughts

This month, Laura Sartore, Managing Director at Ecoprogetti looks back over the company’s 20 years in the PV industry, and the leaps forward in manufacturing technology that have contributed to solar’s worldwide growth.

Progress continues, without the kerf

Selected by the Technology Highlights independent jury as the Technology to Watch for 2018, 1366 Technologies’ Direct Wafer Process is an innovation that could transform the way silicon wafer is produced, and dramatically reduce its costs. pv magazine caught up with 1366 Technologies CTO Adam Lorenz to discuss latest developments in the process and the company’s efforts to scale up and bring it to the market.

Made in the USA

In the wake of the Section 201 tariffs, the United States is seeing a minor renaissance in solar module manufacturing. However, in terms of why this is happening, the tariffs are only one part of a much more complicated story.

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