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Renewables hit record levels in Australia as electricity demand rises

A new report by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) shows the nation’s clean energy transition is gathering pace with renewables, including large-scale and rooftop solar.


Australia targets 6 GW of new renewables in ‘largest ever’ tender

Australia’s “largest-ever” tender for renewable energy will open in May, with the federal government targeting 6 GW of new solar and wind projects.


Acen pushes ahead with 9.6 GWh pumped hydro project in Australia

Development of an 800 MW/ 9,600 MWh pumped hydro project in the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone in New South Wales, Australia, is now moving forward, as renewables company Acen Australia has started geological works on site.


ArcActive targets Australia with ‘re-engineered’ lead-acid battery tech

ArcActive, a New Zealand-based battery tech specialist, plans to set up a factory in Australia within 18 months. It says the facility will be able to produce 30,000 lead acid-based residential energy storage systems per year.


Vast Solar to build 30 MW/288 MWh CSP plant in Australia

Renewables developer Vast Solar has signed a key engineering contract as it pushes toward construction of a 30 MW/288 MWh thermal concentrated solar power (CSP) plant with more than eight hours of energy storage capacity near Port Augusta, South Australia.

The Hydrogen Stream: Vale opens hydrogen metallurgy lab in China

Vale and Central South University have launched a joint laboratory for low-carbon and hydrogen metallurgy in Changsha, in China’s Hunan province, while Nippon Steel has secured approval to acquire U.S. Steel.

Australian state offers $1.6 million for solar recycling scheme

The government of the Australian state of Queensland says it has committed AUD 2.5 million ($1.6 million) to progress the development of an “Australian first” solar-panel recycling scheme, in preparation for “thousands” of PV modules installed on rooftops and in large-scale solar farms that are approaching end of life.

Australian residential buildings hold 48.5 GW of untapped PV potential

Australia has firmly established its status as a global leader in residential solar deployment, with 35% of all homes already equipped with rooftop systems. However, new figures from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) reveal that there are almost 50 GW of “untapped PV potential” on residential buildings across the country.


Australian solar manufacturing through the looking glass

The Silicon to Solar report, partly funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, outlines ways to restore solar manufacturing to the nation with a little help from the country’s major trading partner – China.


The Hydrogen Stream: Engie confirms termination of H2Sines.Rdam project

Engie has told pv magazine that the developers of the H2Sines.Rdam installation have decided to terminate the project to produce hydrogen in Portugal and send it to the Netherlands, while Fortescue said it has opened an electrolyzer production facility in Australia.

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