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Serbia moves forward with renewables auctions

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is helping the Serbian government to define its new procurement plan. The international lender is currently seeking consultants to implement the scheme.

Varying capital costs favor wind over solar in Europe

Differing finance costs across the continent are likely to see wind-rich, high electricity demand nations such as Germany, France, Austria and Belgium forge ahead with renewables at the expense of countries with plenty of sun but where borrowing is expensive, according to a German study.


Enerray enters insolvency proceedings

Italian industrial group Maccaferri, the parent company of the insolvent EPC contractor, has also filed for insolvency for another three units of its energy business.


EBRD urges Western Balkans to replace 18 GW of coal with renewables

The EBRD has released a brief urging Western Balkan countries to both replace their aging lignite coal generation capacity with renewables, and to rethink their 18 GW plans for new coal capacity. While the region offers favorable conditions for various types of renewable generation, it has been slow on the uptake to date.

Serbia to switch from FIT to feed-in premiums and auctions

With its feed-in tariff program set to expire at the end of the year, Serbia will be looking to introduce new mechanisms to support renewables in the form of feed-in premiums and auctions. The country’s PV uptake is still in its nascent stage however, with abundant regulatory obstacles still in place

Energy Community urges Serbia to introduce tendering scheme for renewables

Serbia needs to adopt a set of amendments to the current Energy Law, which envisages support for renewable energy, in order to harmonize its legal framework with the European Union’s acquis, says EU energy watchdog.


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