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European developer reaches financial close on 10 MW of solar in Tunisia

European renewables developer Qair will build a 10 MW solar plant in western Tunisia with a €3.9 million ($4.2 million) loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), as well as to up to €1 million in concessional funding from Finland.

‘We must push back on net billing’

With California’s NEM 3.0 legislation having gutted panel sales and Arizona heading a bevy of other US states preparing to reduce solar-export payments, it’s time the United States solar industry stepped up, for ourselves as well as our customers.


The Hydrogen Stream: PosHYdon starts testing offshore gas-green hydrogen

PosHYdon says it wants to validate the integration of three energy systems in the Dutch North Sea: offshore wind, offshore gas, and offshore hydrogen. The project will involve the installation of a hydrogen plant on the Neptune Energy (Eni) Q13a-A platform.


Trina Solar records 65.21 GW of solar panel shipments for 2023

Trina Solar says its solar panel shipments reached 65.21 GW in 2023. The Chinese module maker achieved a turnover of $15.75 billion and a net profit of $768.2 million in fiscal 2023, with an annual module production capacity of 95 GW by the end of December.


Chinese PV Industry Brief: GDEP secures 118 MW of Trina panels for $0.12/W

Guangdong Electric Power Development (GDEP) has bought 118 MW of Trina Solar panels for $0.12/W. It says it will use the modules for several solar projects in China’s Shandong province.

Payment plans key for solar water pumping in Sub-Saharan Africa

If solar-powered irrigation pumps can be rolled out in a responsible manner at scale, the impact on agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa could be transformational.


Ireland launches €20 million fund for energy research

The authorities in Ireland have opened a €20 million ($21.5 million) fund for energy research and innovation. It will support projects contributing to the nation’s clean energy transition, such as heat decarbonization and energy storage.


Off-grid solar investment down by 43% in 2023

The Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA) says total investment in the off-grid solar sector stood at $425 million in 2023, down 43% year on year. It says the industry needs to address a lack of early-stage financing to meet development and climate targets.


Longi’s solar module shipments hit 67.5 GW in 2023

Longi recorded 67.5 GW of solar module shipments in 2023, according to its latest financial results. The Chinese module maker reported revenue of $17.9 billion and a net profit of $1.49 billion for the year.

Chinese PV Industry Brief: Tongwei, Canadian Solar, JA Solar report earnings

Tongwei, Canadian Solar, TCL Zhonghuan and JA Solar all reported significantly higher profits in 2023.

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