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Renewables overtake fossil fuels in UK installed capacity

A report published today by U.K.-headquartered energy company Drax says that, for the first time ever, total generation capacity available from renewables has overtaken that of fossil fuels on Britain’s electric grid.

Singulus signals 300 MW production equipment order as Chinese dragon roars again

Predictions of the imminent demise of Chinese solar demand due to the reining in of subsidies have not stopped manufacturers ramping up production capacities. German equipment maker Singulus is among the suppliers to benefit from a renewed confidence in the Far East.

Bungala Solar Farm goes fully online as Australia’s biggest solar project to date

After being commissioned in stages, the Bungala Solar Farm near Port Augusta in South Australia is now fully operational. At 220 MW/275 MWdc, Bungala is Australia’s largest solar farm completed to date.


UK storage on the fly with 6.9 GW cumulative pipeline

At an event in London, a new tool was presented which lets the user track the UK storage landscape. The market is gaining traction amidst disfavourable policies for solar PV and other renewables from Westminster. The UK’s storage portfolio seems to be growing rapidly.


China may raise 2020 solar target to more than 200 GW

The target of 105 GW of cumulative installed photovoltaic power, which was originally set for the end of the decade, has already been surpassed. PV Info Link says the 2020 solar target may now be revised upwards to 210-270 GW.


Dubai: Tariff for large-scale PV hits new low at $0.024/kWh

The Dubai Water and Electricity Authority (DEWA) has announced it will expand Phase IV of the 5 GW Mohammed bin Rashid Maktoum Solar Park by another 250 MW. The power utility has also revealed that the PPA with the project developer, local energy giant ACWA Power has been amended, and that the new PV portion of Phase IV, which originally included only a 700 MW CSP power plant planned to sell power at $0.073/kWh, will sell power at a tariff of $0.024/kWh. This price equals that of a 1.17 GW solar project currently under construction in Abu Dhabi.


The weekend read: Staying afloat, whatever the weather

From a little known niche just a few years ago, floating solar has quickly grown to more than 1 GW of installed capacity worldwide, and a source of great hope for the industry’s future, particularly in countries where space for solar is at a premium. pv magazine spoke with experts from leading floating PV test centers in Singapore and the Netherlands to outline the challenges still faced by floating PV as the technology moves towards major growth.


Nine-month figures from China lay bare impact of May 31 policy U-turn

Although industry representatives are predicting no falling-off in the market next year, there is nothing in the latest set of figures to support such a positive outlook.


‘France at risk of energy isolationism’

The Chair of the solar commission of French renewable energy association SER – Xavier Daval – explains why a further commitment to nuclear by the Macron government may seriously undermine efforts of late to revive renewable energy. According to him, if more nuclear reactors will be built, France may miss the chance of positioning itself as a leading country in the growing global renewable energy market.


Xinyi Solar plans to float PV project operations unit to finance glass production expansion

Parent company hopes to receive a $392m windfall – half of it upfront – by offering shares in its solar farm operations unit and then using the net profits to sell the newly-spun out business its six-project PV portfolio in China.


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