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Module Technology

Assessing the impact of bifacial modules with transparent backsheet on savings and ROI

How much of an impact will the JinkoSolar Bifacial Swan module with transparent backsheet have on savings and optimizing ROI?

According to JinkoSolar, the bifacial panel with transparent backsheet can generate up to 415 Wp from the front side and 5 to 25% extra power gain from the rear side.

Optimizing the different parameters that influence bifacial gain with trackers

With the emergence of bifacial modules, tracker suppliers are in the process of figuring out the new optimal set-up with regard to tracker height, row spacing and tracking algorithms. The old paradigm of merely tracking azimuth position no longer applies.

In this webinar, we are joined by Soltec who believe they have a solution, and will share with you their expertise in tracking with bifacial modules. Colin Caufield, VP of Sales USA and Javier Guerrero, R&D Engineer PV from Soltec will present a summary of the results obtained from September 2018 to June 2019 at Soltec’s Bifacial Tracking Evaluation Center (BiTEC) in Livermore, California.

Fewer microcracks thanks to HIT technology?

We are currently seeing more and more heterojunction modules coming onto the market. So we asked Panasonic, the pioneer of this technology, to focus on reasons why HIT modules last longer and yield more than standard modules, and to explain the pros and cons.

Impacto de los módulos de alta eficiencia en el LCoE de grandes plantas y generación distribuida (GD) en América Latina

En el próximo webinar de pv magazine analizaremos dos soluciones para reducir el LCoE en grandes proyectos y en el segmento de la generación distribuida (GD) en toda América Latina. JinkoSolar, que colabora en la organización del seminario web, presentará sus módulos Cheetah y Swan, y detallará los nuevos estándares que han establecido.

PV Modules 4.0: Ultra-high efficiency to deliver lowest LCoE in Middle East and African regions

As utility scale projects and distributed generation (DG) gain momentum in the Middle East and North Africa, what part will ultra-high efficiency modules play? And how much can choosing the right module minimize LCoE, and maximize IRR in the Middle East and African regions?

Join our webinar to find out how module technology innovation can increase production yields in Middle East and African regions, as well as how ultra-high efficiency modules will enhance reliability and performance and reduce risk.

Optimizing the optimum – New rules for tracking with bifacial modules

Tracking is worth the effort when the yield gains exceed the additional costs of acquiring and running a tracker. When using bifacial modules, however, the tracking algorithm should be changed in a way to maximize the sum of front and rear side yield. In this pv magazine webinar we will discuss the Trina Solar turnkey solution, TrinaPro with bifacial n-type modules and single axis trackers, and look into the planning process for bifacial plants.

PERC and beyond – next generation modules, what can we expect?

The performance of PERC modules has not yet been fully explored but module manufacturers are already testing the next technological advance – passivating contacts using technology known as TopCon or POLO. In this webinar we will look at what distinguishes the current best-module generation from the next with passivating contacts.

Improving the output and lifetime of PV through cost effective cooling

Integrating cost effective cooling methods in module manufacturing to increase module output and lifetime

According to Simon Meijer, CEO of COOLBACK Company, and our webinar partner, up to 10% of output and up to 20% of lifetime is lost through this excess of heat in the PV module; this is by far the biggest impediment to improving output – far greater than reflection, dust or humidity. If this is the case, should module manufacturers be taking a closer look at heat losses, and looking at ways to improve output by thermal management? And can asset managers, EPCs and investors improve their solar projects output and lifetime with effective heat management?

Nueva generación de módulos bifaciales

JinkoSolar ha lanzado el módulo Swan con células bifaciales, que integra una hoja posterior transparente de Dupont. Este producto, según la compañía, podrá competir con los módulos bifaciales convencionales de doble vidrio.

Únase a este seminario web de pv magazine y descubra las tecnologías integradas en el módulo Swan, así como las ventajas de esta nueva generación de módulos bifaciales y su impacto en la reducción del coste nivelado de la energía (LCOE por sus siglas en inglés).

New approach for bifacial modules and yield expectations

Bifacial is the new buzz word in the PV industry. Bifacial modules enable the absorption of sunlight on the rear side, creating the potential for significant additional power production and lower levelized cost of energy (LCOE) compared to standard mono-facial modules.

Join our pv magazine webinar, along with our partner JinkoSolar, to find out how the impact of longevity and durability of solar panels can help protect solar investments. Moderated by Michael Fuhs, editor in Chief, the webinar will discuss the importance of high-quality components for the RoI of PV investments.

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