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Since 2015, pv magazine Webinars are a neutral platform where to have trusted conversations and share knowledge. We work with our partners to deliver our participants an informative and engaging webinar experience. Our webinars are thematically oriented and do not serve the purpose of sales.

Below you can find our upcoming webinars as well as browse through our past webinar recordings.

Registration for pv magazine Webinars is free of charge. We look forward to your participation and critical feedback! Please send your questions and proposals to [email protected].

Past Webinars

Optimizar el rendimiento con módulos bifaciales combinados con seguidores

En este próximo seminario web de pv magazine, JinkoSolar presentará cómo se pueden utilizar los módulos bifaciales en grandes plantas solares, y analizará los factores que influyen en los sistemas de seguimiento para paneles bifaciales. La industria fotovoltaica mundial se encuentra actualmente en medio de un auge de la tecnología bifacial. Los módulos bifaciales permiten […]

Will high power string inverters conquer Asian large-scale markets?

ABB is proposing a new approach to inverter design, which is said to ensure optimal integration with the transformer station. The company claims that its new, Intersolar award-winning PVS-175 inverter intends to enable disruptive system designs, and demonstrates how inverter technology can effectively support the solar industry. But  markets, and the technologies that find acceptance […]

From innovative inverter to disruptive system design

While PV modules and inverters still represent the highest share of the initial capital expenditure of a large-scale PV system, there are other costs, including balance of system components and operations and maintenance, that will have a key role in PV system economics in the  coming years. Thanks to technological improvements  in solar modules and […]

Don’t bury the problem! How a new TÜV standard will significantly alter expectations of cables for direct burial

This webinar is a part of a series examining the “key indicators of PV quality” in partnership with Leoni. The direct burial of cables at PV power plants can be a cost-effective approach – ensuring that cabling is out of the worst weather conditions and cannot be damaged by maintenance crews or local critters. However, […]

Are half-cut cell modules the future?

Many manufacturers are converting large parts of their production capacities to half-cut cell technology. Is this a niche or will the traditional full cell module eventually disappear? In our upcoming webinar, we ask experts what the advantages of half-cut cell modules are and what installers need to be aware of during installation. Researchers at Fraunhofer […]

Bifacial PV and tracking: The simulation and optimization of yield gain

In this upcoming pv magazine webinar, JinkoSolar will present the case for using bifacial modules in large-scale solar plants, and discuss the influencing factors and their impact on bifacial PV tracking. The global PV industry is currently in the midst of a bifacial boom. Bifacial modules enable the absorption of sunlight on the backside, thus […]

Building bankable utility-scale solar PV+energy storage projects

With declining costs, and increasing amounts of solar+storage added to electrical grids across the globe, there is a growing need to understand how to build bankable projects. The creation of multi-use business cases is key. In this upcoming pv magazine webinar, powered by Sterling & Wilson, we will discuss the bankability of utility-scale solar PV […]

Emergency power supply – what are we really talking about? Is it a ‘full home backup’, or something else?

What is emergency power, what is ‘full home backup’, and what is the difference between the two? Additionally, what do different homeowners need and how do you install an emergency power or ‘full home backup’ system? These questions will be answered during the next pv magazine Australia webinar – hosted in partnership with SMA. The webinar will dive into what […]

From Volatility to Stability – Reducing currency risk through integrating locally-produced components

SMA is tapping Australian-made medium-voltage expertise, and have integrated it into a new central inverter solution. The SMA Power Skid Australia is expected to result in reduced delivery times and will significantly reduce the considerable currency risk faced by PV project developers. From SMA Bernhard Voll will join the discussion. Quantifying the currency risk, Voll […]

K2 presents new flat roof mounting system, support pad with a higher friction coefficient

During pv magazine‘s upcoming webinar, K2 Systems will present two recent PV developments designed for flat roofs: The aerodynamically optimized mounting systems, D-Dome V and S-Dome V. The V-geometry of the east-west mounting system has been designed to allow for expansion and contraction in rail orientation, which might occur as a result of the heating […]

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