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residential PV

Texas solar generation surges amidst North America’s contrasting December patterns

In a new weekly update for pv magazine, Solcast, a DNV company, reports that varied patterns have impacted solar generation across North America in late December. The South experienced up to 30% higher irradiance than the long-term December average, resulting from a persistent Atlantic high-pressure system driving easterly winds. which kept moisture from the Gulf of Mexico offshore.

Energy storage provider Bluetti enters rooftop solar market

Expanding beyond portable and grid-tied batteries, Bluetti has launched its solar installation business in the United States.

Slovakia’s solar additions hit 220 MW in 2023

The Slovak solar market showed encouraging signs of growth last year, according to provisional figures from the Slovak Association of the Photovoltaic Industry. It says the country could add 300 MW of new PV capacity in 2024.


Idaho commission cuts rooftop PV compensation, driving industry concerns

Electric utility commissions across the nation are following the lead of California to cut compensation for rooftop solar generation. Is Idaho the next step in a death march for the industry?

Color characterization technique for BIPV

Scientists in Switzerland have created a new technique to characterize the color of BIPV panels. The method uses an optical fiber spectrometer to detect color characterization signals.

Hemetsberger wages battle for gender parity at SolarPower Europe

PV is often touted as the progressive titan of the renewable energy industry, but when Walburga Hemetsberger joined Europe’s solar lobby giant SolarPower Europe in 2019 as CEO, she faced a problem: her board was male-only. On the cusp of her fifth year in an industry where she is a rare species – a woman in charge – she explains why she fought for more female representation in the solar sector from the belly of her business group.

France announces new FIT rates for PV systems up to 500 kW

France’s new feed-in tariffs (FITs) for the period from August 2023 to January 2024 range from €0.2077 ($0.2270)/kWh for installations below 3 kW to €0.1208/kWh for arrays ranging in size from 100 kW to 500 kW.

Fraunhofer IWU unveils online tool for sizing of rooftop PV systems

Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (Fraunhoer IWU) has developed a new online tool to calculate the size of rooftop solar arrays, heat pumps and batteries.

Renewables covered almost 60% of German electricity demand in 2023

New statistics from the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (Fraunhofer ISE) show that PV systems in Germany generated around 59.9 TWh of solar power in 2023, with 6.4 TWh used for home consumption.


Norway deployed 300 MW of solar in 2023

Norway reached 597 MW of cumulative installed PV capacity at the end of 2023. The authorities have attributed the record growth the country has posted over the past year to the successful connection of two large-scale PV plants.


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